Friday, January 29, 2010


It's dangerous to have two teeth
when you're so new to it.
The fingers you've been gnawing on
can now be badly bit.

For someone little, just like you,
you've got to be awares:
there's things a'growin in your mouth
that often come in pairs.

The lesson learned by Phoebe dear
on this momentous day:
Fingers don't go in the mouth.
'Cause teeth aren't meant for play.


Penelope, we named our girl
and a nickname wouldn't fit.
Penny didn't seem quite right
for her, our Little Bit.

We scratched our heads and finally said,
tradition's out, by golly.
Even though it's ne'er been done,
we're gonna call her Polly!


Polly pulled herself right up
and stood up on the ground.
She used a little toy-filled box
to stand and look around.

Mommy noticed right away
how big and tall she stood,
and Polly played with all the toys
as steady as she could.

We're proud of all she's learned so far
in these few months, now nine.
Our little premie at four pounds,
she's growing up just fine.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


We have a little chatterbox
talking all the time.
She talks and talks and talks and talks.
She'd make an awful mime!

She makes up little stories
about her toys and all her friends.
The rest she fills with questions.
The noise, it never ends.

But listening quite closely
to the little things she says,
I hear those clever sayings
from my darling little PEZ.


Polly is a stepping stone.
That's what Phoebe thinks.
Polly'll be sitting upright,
till fast as she just blinks,
Phoebe waves a sturdy arm
and Polly's on her face.
Then Phoebe crawls right on over
like a little leap-frog race.
I'm not so sure why Phoebe thinks
she needs her sister's back.
She'd better plan another route
'fore Polly learns to smack.


Playing together means taking one toy
and passing it back to each other.
Wait til I hand it; don't grab or I'll cry,
and then we'll get scolded by Mother.

From your hand to mine with detours to mouths,
it's all about tasting and feeling.
But be patient and kind while I'm taking my turn.
Playing's 'bout sharing, not stealing.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Inspiration isn't easy
when my eyes are looking down.
My soul is turning inward
and it needs to turn around.

Stress is weighing down
and I'm putting up some walls.
The fight is quite an effort
when the inner demon calls.

Cognizant each choice,
whether positive or not,
impacts my daily living:
Time to fight with all I've got.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Sticky faces. Sticky hands.
Sticky bibs, trays too.
Eating food is a great big mess,
but so much fun to do.

We love to pick up little chunks
of carrots, apples, peas.
If we want more we will fuss
because we can't say, "Please."

The sign for "eat" we're learning fast.
It's not that hard to do.
But we're not sure yet how to sign,
"Mama, now we're through."

Monday, January 11, 2010


Blowing raspberries with oatmeal.
A big ol' pppllbbtthh to you.
Better clean us quick, Mama.
That stuff turns to glue.

Bellies full, wearing great big grins.
Let us down to play.
Crawling all around the floor.
Learning more each day!


It's not that I've been lazy.
Life has been so crazy.
Ok, so maybe some.
So that excuse is dumb
and ever quite so hazy.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Phoebe's favorite toy
is a tiny little giraffe.
She played with it for quite some time,
nearly an hour and a half.

Polly loves to play with spoons,
just like sister Paige.
She too would crawl around with spoons
when she was Polly's age.

It's fun to see which toys they pick
to play with every day.
And mostly it's a box or bag
with which they want to play.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


what to say.
Fuh reals man I am stuck.

I'm finna write
this neways
and then say WTF!

Monday, January 4, 2010


Phoebe sits with one leg forward,
one leg facing back.
She moves just like a Weeble Wobble
on a silly little track.

She lays right down on all her fours,
belly on the ground,
then she pushes up to sit
while twisting 'round and 'round.

This laying down and sitting up
is a clever way to move.
The way she travels here to there,
we call Phoebe's Little Groove.


Phoebe's got a tooth.
It seemed to sneak right in.
She bit down on my finger
and then looked up with a grin.

No fussy, crying nights.
No drooling on the chin.
She just sat right there
with a great big smile
while her toofer came right in!