Thursday, December 31, 2009


With holidays near over
it's resolution time.
So bye, Procrastination.
I must sit right down to rhyme.


The yummy Christmas candy
staked its claim upon my rump.
It was oh-so-very yummy,
but now I am quite plump.

The cookies were quite tasty;
the party was a hit.
But now I fear when I squat down
my pants are gonna split.

My Mama's appetizers,
she made them just for me.
I ate them all in just two days
and shocked my family.

I'm so relieved the food is gone;
the holidays, they're done.
If one more piece of fudge went down,
I'd have weighed a ton!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


There once was a gal named Sissy,
who was anything but real prissy.
The books she would read
should be censored, indeed!
Take 'em away and she'd have a hissy!

Friday, December 25, 2009


One's asleep up on the bed
and one is in my lap.
The third is helping Mommy,
a few presents left to wrap.

It's cozy here with just us five,
our little family.
The presents hidden out of sight,
await our Christmas tree.

A tiny blizzard hit our home
and snowed us promptly in.
But we don't need to venture out;
our warmth comes from within.

Whatever this new year may bring,
we face unknowns to come,
and hold on tight to our dear girls
in this, our happy home.

Friday, December 18, 2009


"My favorite thing is nerdles
for dinner and for lunch.
Can't you make them cheesy?
I like that a whole bunch.

"I love the babies' 'otion.
It makes their skin so soft.
I covered up my mouth just now
'cause I achooed and coughed.

"See those dogamations?
Their furb is black and white.
You have to pet them gently.
Their sharker teeth might bite.

"My teeth are clean and pretty.
Yuck, my floorhead rinse tastes bad.
But if I never use it,
my Mama will be mad."

That little girl is clever
and thinks up on her own
all these little phrases
I will share when she is grown.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I have been writing poems.
They're all just in my head.
With holidays and birthdays
I've been jotting them instead
of writing them and posting
but here's one before bed.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I'm oh so sad and lonely
when they're traveling 'cross the state.
This big ol' house is empty
and I'm pacing while I wait.

The little sounds are defeaning
to Mama's lonely ears.
I'm wand'ring 'round the household
fighting back the tears.

I don't know how much longer now
that they'll be gone away.
My moping isn't helping and
I should enjoy the day.

But when my lap is empty
and the children's laughter gone,
I'm tragic and dramatic
and the day just lingers on.


A poem a day
keeps inertia at bay.


I need to write poems.
I'm several behind.
I'm out of ideas,
but some I must find.

Should I write about work,
or Susan, or Paige
and how she's the best dancer
up on the stage?

Oh, wait, here comes another one
out from the mist.
I hope it turns out to
be Top-of-the-List.


The girls are waving bye-bye
with fingers facing in.
They babble when they do so
and then look at us and grin.

It almost sounds like bye-bye
with that babbling that they do.
I'm sure it's wishful thinking
by Mama, Mommy too.

But then they grin and fingers wave,
and glowing little eyes
look up at us and prove us right:
they're certainly that wise!

Monday, December 14, 2009


Paige was snuggling on my lap,
a rarity these days.
I asked her if she'd snuggle still
when I was old and gray.
She looked at me and rolled her eyes,
"I'll be too big, you know."
"You'll be to me my little girl."
She paused and then said, "No."


Allowishes sat right down
and roasted marsh-a-mallows.
That is quite one silly dude,
that little elfin fellow.

He got a candle from the shelf
and sat up on great heights.
He found a toothpick for a stick
and made snacks through the night.

The other day he went right out
and brought us donuts home.
The elf, he started up the car
and 'cross the town he roamed.

We can't believe the things he does
around our house at night.
Santa should be proud of him
with his magical delights.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


There once was a Mommy named Susan
who often missed out on the snoozin'
'cause a baby or two
would wake up and then coo
and her beauty rest she would be losin'.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Snuggled up in Mommy's bed,
at some point in the night.
Waiting for those loving arms
to wrap her safe and tight.

That little girl adores her so.
She's often found right there:
underneath each footstep,
'cause she thinks Mom walks on air.

And then she waits so patiently
until her turn to sit.
And on that lap she climbs, at last,
a perfect Mommy fit.


Needing to feel inspired.
Not knowing what to write.
The thoughts aren't coming quickly.
It's becoming quite the fight.

It's very tough to find the time
to sit on down alone.
And then to jot down something good
that's flowing from the zone?

Let's hope this case of writer's block
is only temporary.
I'd hate to think I've been tapped out.
It's not quite January!


Rockin' and rollin' on all fours.
Talkin' and cooin' and fillin' our drawers.

Blue eyes and green eyes lookin' around.
Laughter and giggles we have found.

Eatin' and spittin' the baby food.
We are learnin' and life is good!

Friday, December 11, 2009


Sung to the tune of Jingle Bells. I heard the term Tranny Claus on The Office. I HAD to write a song.

Tranny Claus, Tranny Claus
I sat on your lap.
I found out you have two boobs
and that you're not a chap.

Oh, Tranny Claus, Tranny Claus
where'd you get that suit?
What'd you do with the real Claus
and how'd you steal his boots?

Went to the mall today,
'cause I wanted pics with him,
so I stood in line for hours long
and the results were very grim.

Your beard was all askew,
your lipstick rubbing off,
and when you tried to Ho, Ho, Ho
all you did was cough!

Oh, Tranny Claus, Tranny Claus
you are not a man.
I can't stand to be a part of
your Evil Christmas Plan.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Allowishes Elf played another prank tonight.
Paige went a-visiting and he hid from our plain sight.

Mommy looked at least five times in the dolly's house.
Mama looked three more times. He was quiet as a mouse.

We asked dear Paige just where he sat when she first left to go.
She said to me, "I'll find him, Mom. It's ok, you know."

But little elfin magic can't be done without some aide
from moms who think they're smarter than the childhood brigade.

But home she came and straight she went to little elfin's side.
And there he was right in that house by Barbie's curvy side.

Our eyes went wide, our heads did shake 'cause little did we know
that Christmas Magic was, indeed, for both the young and old.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Behind on the laundry,
the dishes, too.
Gonna get so bad
to hire a cleanin' crew.

Little by little
gonna get it done.
Workin' and cleanin'
just ain't no fun!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


When the first one is born,
you do all the right stuff,
like boiling the binky and
powdering the duff.

Books all around,
only the smartest of toys.
Make sure there's no
stereotypes for girls or for boys.

The diapers are cloth,
the food all organic.
Schedules are made
so no need for a panic.

The number-one speed dial,
right up at the top,
is the pediatrician
for when crying won't stop.

Then along comes kid two,
oops, and then there is three,
and time is spent juggling
when once it was free.

So you focus on moments
'cause they grow up so fast,
not the brand name of diapers
or each milestone they've passed.

The binky gets dirty;
the clothes are all stained,
and you look toward the day
when they're all potty-trained.

But you learn that no matter
which books that you've read
the love that you give them
is greater instead.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Not many people know
I can't stand to have my toe:

It's like the chalkboard and the nails
and it makes me want to wail:

Whenever someone's chose
to tickle those poor toes:

I will flail and fling about
and I'm often prone to shout:

And if that doesn't help
I'll also kick and yelp:

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I hate the doctors scale
'cause it reads ten pounds high.
Why can't it be like mine
and perpetuate the lie?

That the holiday good eats
didn't settle on my gut
and melted off my hips,
legs and butt.


I feel like I should put a clause in this post: It's just a poem, people, not a state of mind. Lol.

Icy fingers trace
unreadable patterns
as sweat beads on
arms, neck,
forehead, legs.
Heart pulses icy sludge
through veins,
reaching first the heart,
then lungs, torso,
fingers, toes.
Breathing changes from instinct
to conscious movement,
concentrating now on the
rise and fall,
rise and fall,
rise and fall.
Fighting the paralysis
creates resistance,
like breathing surfactant
through primitive gills.
Terror rises,
thoughts race toward
impending doom,
perpetuating the cycle
until at last adrenaline wanes,
heart beat slows,
blood warms,
fear fades,
and the body, once again,
returns to Resting State.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Allowishes Pepper elf
came and sat upon our shelf.
He woke up in the night
and I think that he did write
Post-it notes on all our things
so that good old Santa brings
gladful tidings of great joy
and lots of presents, brand-new toys.

I think that he shall see
we're as good as we can be
with only little tiny fights,
but we make up and act right
because Santa dear now knows
we are trying head to toes
to love each other dear
through Christmas and New Years.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


An elf came a-visiting
through the mail today.
Santa sent him to our house
to watch us work and play.

Some magic dust was sent along
to help us act real nice.
The elf will help dear Santa Claus
to check our names, each twice.

Write things down and send reports,
he'll do this every night.
And Santa listens very close
to mark his list just right.

We hope to make him very proud,
this little elfin guy,
so Santa brings us presents
through the wintry, Christmas sky.


Sibling rivalry is kicking in.
It seems so early to begin.
But when one has a toy,
the other says, "Oh, boy!"
and steals it with a grin.