Thursday, December 31, 2009


With holidays near over
it's resolution time.
So bye, Procrastination.
I must sit right down to rhyme.


The yummy Christmas candy
staked its claim upon my rump.
It was oh-so-very yummy,
but now I am quite plump.

The cookies were quite tasty;
the party was a hit.
But now I fear when I squat down
my pants are gonna split.

My Mama's appetizers,
she made them just for me.
I ate them all in just two days
and shocked my family.

I'm so relieved the food is gone;
the holidays, they're done.
If one more piece of fudge went down,
I'd have weighed a ton!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


There once was a gal named Sissy,
who was anything but real prissy.
The books she would read
should be censored, indeed!
Take 'em away and she'd have a hissy!

Friday, December 25, 2009


One's asleep up on the bed
and one is in my lap.
The third is helping Mommy,
a few presents left to wrap.

It's cozy here with just us five,
our little family.
The presents hidden out of sight,
await our Christmas tree.

A tiny blizzard hit our home
and snowed us promptly in.
But we don't need to venture out;
our warmth comes from within.

Whatever this new year may bring,
we face unknowns to come,
and hold on tight to our dear girls
in this, our happy home.

Friday, December 18, 2009


"My favorite thing is nerdles
for dinner and for lunch.
Can't you make them cheesy?
I like that a whole bunch.

"I love the babies' 'otion.
It makes their skin so soft.
I covered up my mouth just now
'cause I achooed and coughed.

"See those dogamations?
Their furb is black and white.
You have to pet them gently.
Their sharker teeth might bite.

"My teeth are clean and pretty.
Yuck, my floorhead rinse tastes bad.
But if I never use it,
my Mama will be mad."

That little girl is clever
and thinks up on her own
all these little phrases
I will share when she is grown.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I have been writing poems.
They're all just in my head.
With holidays and birthdays
I've been jotting them instead
of writing them and posting
but here's one before bed.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I'm oh so sad and lonely
when they're traveling 'cross the state.
This big ol' house is empty
and I'm pacing while I wait.

The little sounds are defeaning
to Mama's lonely ears.
I'm wand'ring 'round the household
fighting back the tears.

I don't know how much longer now
that they'll be gone away.
My moping isn't helping and
I should enjoy the day.

But when my lap is empty
and the children's laughter gone,
I'm tragic and dramatic
and the day just lingers on.


A poem a day
keeps inertia at bay.


I need to write poems.
I'm several behind.
I'm out of ideas,
but some I must find.

Should I write about work,
or Susan, or Paige
and how she's the best dancer
up on the stage?

Oh, wait, here comes another one
out from the mist.
I hope it turns out to
be Top-of-the-List.


The girls are waving bye-bye
with fingers facing in.
They babble when they do so
and then look at us and grin.

It almost sounds like bye-bye
with that babbling that they do.
I'm sure it's wishful thinking
by Mama, Mommy too.

But then they grin and fingers wave,
and glowing little eyes
look up at us and prove us right:
they're certainly that wise!

Monday, December 14, 2009


Paige was snuggling on my lap,
a rarity these days.
I asked her if she'd snuggle still
when I was old and gray.
She looked at me and rolled her eyes,
"I'll be too big, you know."
"You'll be to me my little girl."
She paused and then said, "No."


Allowishes sat right down
and roasted marsh-a-mallows.
That is quite one silly dude,
that little elfin fellow.

He got a candle from the shelf
and sat up on great heights.
He found a toothpick for a stick
and made snacks through the night.

The other day he went right out
and brought us donuts home.
The elf, he started up the car
and 'cross the town he roamed.

We can't believe the things he does
around our house at night.
Santa should be proud of him
with his magical delights.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


There once was a Mommy named Susan
who often missed out on the snoozin'
'cause a baby or two
would wake up and then coo
and her beauty rest she would be losin'.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Snuggled up in Mommy's bed,
at some point in the night.
Waiting for those loving arms
to wrap her safe and tight.

That little girl adores her so.
She's often found right there:
underneath each footstep,
'cause she thinks Mom walks on air.

And then she waits so patiently
until her turn to sit.
And on that lap she climbs, at last,
a perfect Mommy fit.


Needing to feel inspired.
Not knowing what to write.
The thoughts aren't coming quickly.
It's becoming quite the fight.

It's very tough to find the time
to sit on down alone.
And then to jot down something good
that's flowing from the zone?

Let's hope this case of writer's block
is only temporary.
I'd hate to think I've been tapped out.
It's not quite January!


Rockin' and rollin' on all fours.
Talkin' and cooin' and fillin' our drawers.

Blue eyes and green eyes lookin' around.
Laughter and giggles we have found.

Eatin' and spittin' the baby food.
We are learnin' and life is good!

Friday, December 11, 2009


Sung to the tune of Jingle Bells. I heard the term Tranny Claus on The Office. I HAD to write a song.

Tranny Claus, Tranny Claus
I sat on your lap.
I found out you have two boobs
and that you're not a chap.

Oh, Tranny Claus, Tranny Claus
where'd you get that suit?
What'd you do with the real Claus
and how'd you steal his boots?

Went to the mall today,
'cause I wanted pics with him,
so I stood in line for hours long
and the results were very grim.

Your beard was all askew,
your lipstick rubbing off,
and when you tried to Ho, Ho, Ho
all you did was cough!

Oh, Tranny Claus, Tranny Claus
you are not a man.
I can't stand to be a part of
your Evil Christmas Plan.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Allowishes Elf played another prank tonight.
Paige went a-visiting and he hid from our plain sight.

Mommy looked at least five times in the dolly's house.
Mama looked three more times. He was quiet as a mouse.

We asked dear Paige just where he sat when she first left to go.
She said to me, "I'll find him, Mom. It's ok, you know."

But little elfin magic can't be done without some aide
from moms who think they're smarter than the childhood brigade.

But home she came and straight she went to little elfin's side.
And there he was right in that house by Barbie's curvy side.

Our eyes went wide, our heads did shake 'cause little did we know
that Christmas Magic was, indeed, for both the young and old.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Behind on the laundry,
the dishes, too.
Gonna get so bad
to hire a cleanin' crew.

Little by little
gonna get it done.
Workin' and cleanin'
just ain't no fun!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


When the first one is born,
you do all the right stuff,
like boiling the binky and
powdering the duff.

Books all around,
only the smartest of toys.
Make sure there's no
stereotypes for girls or for boys.

The diapers are cloth,
the food all organic.
Schedules are made
so no need for a panic.

The number-one speed dial,
right up at the top,
is the pediatrician
for when crying won't stop.

Then along comes kid two,
oops, and then there is three,
and time is spent juggling
when once it was free.

So you focus on moments
'cause they grow up so fast,
not the brand name of diapers
or each milestone they've passed.

The binky gets dirty;
the clothes are all stained,
and you look toward the day
when they're all potty-trained.

But you learn that no matter
which books that you've read
the love that you give them
is greater instead.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Not many people know
I can't stand to have my toe:

It's like the chalkboard and the nails
and it makes me want to wail:

Whenever someone's chose
to tickle those poor toes:

I will flail and fling about
and I'm often prone to shout:

And if that doesn't help
I'll also kick and yelp:

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I hate the doctors scale
'cause it reads ten pounds high.
Why can't it be like mine
and perpetuate the lie?

That the holiday good eats
didn't settle on my gut
and melted off my hips,
legs and butt.


I feel like I should put a clause in this post: It's just a poem, people, not a state of mind. Lol.

Icy fingers trace
unreadable patterns
as sweat beads on
arms, neck,
forehead, legs.
Heart pulses icy sludge
through veins,
reaching first the heart,
then lungs, torso,
fingers, toes.
Breathing changes from instinct
to conscious movement,
concentrating now on the
rise and fall,
rise and fall,
rise and fall.
Fighting the paralysis
creates resistance,
like breathing surfactant
through primitive gills.
Terror rises,
thoughts race toward
impending doom,
perpetuating the cycle
until at last adrenaline wanes,
heart beat slows,
blood warms,
fear fades,
and the body, once again,
returns to Resting State.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Allowishes Pepper elf
came and sat upon our shelf.
He woke up in the night
and I think that he did write
Post-it notes on all our things
so that good old Santa brings
gladful tidings of great joy
and lots of presents, brand-new toys.

I think that he shall see
we're as good as we can be
with only little tiny fights,
but we make up and act right
because Santa dear now knows
we are trying head to toes
to love each other dear
through Christmas and New Years.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


An elf came a-visiting
through the mail today.
Santa sent him to our house
to watch us work and play.

Some magic dust was sent along
to help us act real nice.
The elf will help dear Santa Claus
to check our names, each twice.

Write things down and send reports,
he'll do this every night.
And Santa listens very close
to mark his list just right.

We hope to make him very proud,
this little elfin guy,
so Santa brings us presents
through the wintry, Christmas sky.


Sibling rivalry is kicking in.
It seems so early to begin.
But when one has a toy,
the other says, "Oh, boy!"
and steals it with a grin.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


The hamster died today.
She was turning awfully gray.
So now there's a choice
and I hear a small voice
saying get another and whisk it away.


Thanksgiving Day 2009,
Polly's on all fours.
It won't be long until that babe
is crawling out the door.

She's rocking back and forth
with her belly off the ground.
But til she's up and crawling
she likes to roll around.

The blanket laid down on the floor
doesn't hold her in.
She rolls on past that invisible line
and looks at us and grins.

That little ball of squirminess
is gonna make us run.
And catching her is gonna be
like catching rays of sun.


My knight in shining armor
takes her armor off at night.
Who knew that he would be
a she. Some say it isn't right.

But love is blind, or so they say,
and that's my attitude.
Until they change their minds and laws,
we'll stand with fortitude.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


If you'd asked a year ago,
I'd have said it's very true:
That families can be broken,
the core split right in two.

But living means that people grow
and families can move on.
For healing does begin anew
with every breaking dawn.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


So how is this thing going?
This writing a poem every day?

I've found that sometimes I struggle
or that I don't have that much to say.

The hardest part is putting them up,
even when they're not my "best."

But I said that I would write them down,
not that they'd pass an editor's test.


I miss my girls when I'm not at home
and they're cuddled up at night.
And then one calls and says to me,
"Can't you tuck me in real tight?"

But I once read my hardest job
is to build up their self-worth.
Them: Mama leaves but then comes home?
I'm the greatest kid on Earth.


Mask drops for a split-second.
Does someone see: Vulnerability,
Insecurity. Not different you
and I, but one holds too-tightly
the masquerade.

Monday, November 23, 2009


I just ran a mile and a half.
In the middle, got a cramp in my calf.
I wanted to slow,
but my friend she said, "No."
So I finished and pride I still have.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


It's time to change my shirt.
It certainly wouldn't hurt.
With snot like glue
and maybe poo,
this one smells like dirt.


Where's that Magic Eight Ball
when the future seems unclear?
And where's the instruction manual
for the problems I have here?

Who knows all the answers
to these questions that I ask?
And where's the inner wisdom
I so need to meet the task?

But living's an adventure
when paths are hidden still.
And onward forging blindly
is a testament of will.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Air bubble trapped expands narrow passages,
wreaks havoc on surrounding nerves,
sending screaming commands to overlaying muscles:
Contract. Release. Contract. Release.
Until, roaring through, the noxious stimulus
erupts in a most-satisfying BRAAAP!


Mom, my teacher's prejudiced.
I thought that you should know.
If you go to school with me,
you'll see that it is so.

You know my friend who's Gabrielle,
the new boy in my school?
I told you 'bout him yesterday.
I think he's kinda cool.

My teacher isn't very nice
when Gabe is clownin' round,
Because he yells out real loud:
"Enough, now, Mr. Brown!"


There once was a girl named Polly,
who was as cute as a porcelain dolly.
When she would giggle and play
it would brighten your day,
leaving you happy and feeling so jolly!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Phoebe's up at 4 a .m.
with no sleep in our sight.
She's laughing, talking, playing too,
in the middle of the night.
She's gonna wake her sisters up
with all her carrying on.
So here I'm shushing, rocking too
in the early hours of dawn.


My baby sisters poked my eye,
pulled my hair and made me cry.
Mama says that they don't know
that doing that just hurts me so.
Now I'm learning to be brave
'cause they don't know how to behave.

Friday, November 13, 2009


"Mama share your printzles, please?
I love them for a snack.
And won't you pet my puppy dog?
His furb is soft and black.

"The seed is big and huge and blue
and mermaids swim in it.
And when we go down to the beach
it's on the sand we'll sit.

"I saw a Freak-in-stine today.
It's almost Halloween.
We'll dress up in our costumes soon
and 'tend that we're the Queen."

I know she doesn't say them right,
the words I hear her use.
But how can I correct her when
that cuteness I would lose?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Won't you stop that cutting-up,
before you wake your sisters up?
I know you're whispering, I see!
But out this room you need to be!
Don't you make them wake and cry.
Please tip-toe gently. Do try.
And if they open one little peep
it doesn't mean they're up for keeps.
So don't lean over and say hello,
or off to bed you, too, will go!

All they do is tell me shush;
and then they yell out, "Hush, hush, hush!"
My baby sisters need their naps,
but how much longer can that last?
I walk by and see their eyes,
and then they open up, surprise!
So, stopping then, to lean so low,
I just want to say hello.
Cause anyone can plainly see
that naps ain't fun as playin' with me.


Overwhelmed by stress today,
Mama wants to run and play.
Someone hold me on their lap,
and tuck me in before my nap.
But been there, done that, as they say,
and now it's time to live each day,
protecting them, where I belong,
so they will grow up big and strong.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Oh my goodness, I'm so tired,
and the kids are good and wired.
I'd like to go and lay my head
up on my pillows in my bed.
But little girls are so awake
I'm not sure that they will take
a nap!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


We're gonna butt heads, she and I,
if we don't soon see eye to eye.
She is three, I'm thirty-five,
but she rules the roost, is Queen of the Hive.
The parenting books say take deep breaths
but her stubbornness is out of my depths.
But then she smiles and says to me,
"I love you Mama. You're my favorite, see."
Together we'll journey across each mile
and be thankful the teen years aren't for awhile.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Holding sleeping Polly,
Nuk still in her mouth,
the wailing cries are muted,
those ones heard way down South.

And even though we cringe in fear
when first she starts to fuss,
we take her in our loving arms
and fight the urge to cuss.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Not feeling creative or funny tonight.
The words aren't coming or sounding just right.
The weight of the world is spinning inside.
I want to bury myself under covers and hide.
So hold all my calls, my texts and IMs.
I'll be up in my room with some plain M&Ms.


Dementia robs people of clear-thinking heads,
leaving shells of the person and violence instead.
Care-givers continue to love whom they knew,
but when is enough that it's time to be through?
And does mourning begin for the loved one so dear,
when the relationship changes into one to be feared?
The answers aren't clear when these questions arise
and God help us all when we're living those lives.


There once was a Phoebe Elise
whose smiles would always increase.
She hugged 'round your neck
and your cheek she would peck,
bringing everyone gladness and peace.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


One, standing alone, feels a tremor,
that sure sign the sky is falling,
so, rushes to alert his
neighbors, excitable gents. One tells
another, three overhear, five demand
action, until all, wanting the honor
of breaking the news, make a mad-dash
to Central, causing a ripple-effect of
flailing limbs. Exhausted, all collapse,
waiting for the Watch-Tower-call: All is Well!


Where, O, where did my baby girl go?
O, where, O, where can she be?
I've searched up and down and all through the house,
but it's only her pictures I see.

There is a girl here who answers her name,
but she's way too big to be she.
Although her blond hair and sparkling blue
eyes make me think that it really may be

That once where my baby with dimpled arms sat
and a smiling, laughing cute face
sits a darling big girl with a laugh in her voice
and that smile in the very same place.

But Mama's not ready to let her grow up,
and Time won't let us stay here.
So I'll remember each moment she gives to me now,
holding each to my heart, very dear.


Barren, once fruitful, arms reach
toward Heaven, praying scattered
children find lush havens in
fertile Mother Earth.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Are you writin' another poem, Mama?
I like it when you do.
You write about my sisters,
and me and Mommy, too.

Can you read them over and over, Mama?
I never get tired of it.
I promise I'll listen quietly
if on your lap I sit.

Will you always write them down, Mama,
the poems, every day?
And could you please just write one now,
before I run out to play?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I get to go out (I can't wait!),
with my beautiful, wonderful mate.
We're gonna take bets
to see who more frets
over leaving the girls for this date.


I haven't had time to write.
I've been working every night.
And time slips away
when there's no time to play,
but I know what I'm doin' is right.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


There once was a girl named Paige,
who always looked tall for her age.
All her clothes she outgrew,
so quickly gone through,
and no stopping could anyone gauge.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Decisions are tough
when words aren't enough,
because little hearts bleed
when it's loving they need.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


My little girl dressed fancy in her very first play.
And then she acted fancy, as she trounced around today.

Those fancy braids, her hair just so;
It couldn't be plain, "Oh, no, no, no."

She danced in step, decked to the nines.
She knew each one, her fancy lines.

She made us proud up on that stage,
My fabulous, stupendous, darling Fancy Paige.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Welcome little baby boy.
Your birth day gave us so much joy.
Nine long months since you were due.
Your Mama loves you, Daddy too.
Snuggle in your family's arms.
You'll always be so safe and warm.
No matter where your life may roam,
their love will guide you safely home.


I'm tired of washing my hands.
I don't care where the germs may land.
Ok, so I'm lying,
but the water's so drying,
and they're burning so much I can't stand (it).

Sunday, October 18, 2009


There once was a boy named Dan,
who ate all his food from a can.
"Dear me, dear me,
there's no more Chef Boyardee.
I'll guess I'll settle for Spam."


I've half a mind to speak the truth,
no matter what may fall.
But words can hurt and every truth
is not the same for all.

I'd like to think that honesty
will lead us to the light,
but till we all can live in truth
we stumble through the night.

And searching souls and baring hearts
is oftentimes so slow,
But silence heard in honesty
is louder than we know.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


When the policeman pulls you over,
it's never good to cry.
Just sit there so politely
and look him in the eye.

Start by saying, "Sorry,
I know I blew that light."
or "I'm sure that I was speeding;
I hate to drive at night."

And when that ticket's written,
don't fret or come unglued.
Just pay the pricey ticket
and know your insurance will go up too.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Five poems behind. My meter's in a rut.
I've got to break this rhyming scheme
before I'm called a nut.

The words are there, the subjects, too,
but sounding all the same.
And metaphors and cadence are big players in this game.

But pushing on to achieve my goal
means taking shortcuts, too.
And with 340 left, I'm sure I'll bore a few.


Three little ones, five mouths to feed
in this economy,
means working hard to make ends meet
for those, our family.

Life throws its curves, its obstacles,
each harder than the last.
But lessons learned along the way
bring knowledge from the past.

And being strong for each of us
is all that we can do.
And holding on to what we love
will surely get us through.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


It's hard to be three
with two little sisses,
because they pull hair
even though they give kisses.

Too little to help much
or go out to play,
too big to be held
at the start of each day.

From being just one
to now one of three
makes being the oldest
the hardest, you see.

But Mama and Mommy's
loving arms hold,
no matter how little,
how big or how old.


Polly's getting her first tooth.
I swear to you, I speak the truth.

It's poking through, just out today.
No wonder she won't eat or play.

She's gnawing, drooling, biting too.
She has to get that toofer through.

Sleepless nights and cranky days
have been the price she has to pay.

She'll work that tooth with little tongue
and a pearly white she'll have 'fore long.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Slobbery kisses on my cheek.
Older one plays hide and seek.

Pudgy hands grab both my lips.
Got each settled on my hips.

Sister plays her little games.
They're starting now to know their names.

Bubble-blowing they can do,
smiling, giggling, sitting, too.

I can't believe five months flew by,
I think I must've blinked an eye.

Three little girls are growing fast.
We've got to make these moments last.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Anger is the driving force
to make a situation worse.
Step back to see the path it brings
before you say those angry things.

It doesn't matter who is right,
if all you do is fuss and fight.
The time it takes to make amends
is worth the effort in the end.


Heavy-fringed curtain falls,
covering sand-encrusted orbs.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Heartbeats, translated
into electronic beeps,
march quickly, then race.
Pausing, fatigued, abrupt halt,
until, surging through vessels, a
liquid Grand Marshal salutes,
commanding order from
Deadly Chaos.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


The baby peed on my hand.
I really can't understand
why she has to let it go
as soon as Mama tells her, "No..."

I've got the clean one just right here.
Can't you wait Miss Phoebe, dear?
I know the cold air hits just right
and makes it hard to hold on tight.

I thought those special little joys
could only come from little boys.
But Mama's learned to move real fast
'til Phoebe's covered up at last.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


It's the end of the day and all three are asleep.
We're all alone and neither's uttered a peep.

Too many distractions throughout the day
leave too much to be said to recap in some way.

We're tired, we're worn out. There isn't much else.
We have to recharge and take time for ourselves.

Sometimes I miss them, the good olden days.
Where nothing much mattered; we had time to play.

But our loving and planning have placed us right here.
At the end of the day, so far yet so near.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Phoebe doesn't like the bink.
She chews her hands until they're pink.

Polly loves her little Nuk.
She cries until she gets to suck.

But they both love their sister Paige.
I think that three's their favorite age.

They stop their fussing, crying too,
when she first steps into their view.

On not much yet do they agree,
but loving her it's plain to see.


My wife went on a run.
She says it's so much fun;
she says she wants to get in shape.
I think she runs just to escape!

Monday, October 5, 2009


Baby screaming in the car.
How much longer? Is it far?
Doctor says she's motion-sick.
Dramamine won't do the trick.

She cries until her eyes are red.
She won't rest her little head.
Our nerves are frazzled you can see
from crying babies one, two, three.

For when one cries it triggers two
and what are moms supposed to do?
When baby girl can't settle down
for trips across this little town.

Our families please must understand
that we can't travel 'cross the land.
Until poor Polly handles miles,
we won't be driving for a while!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I can't be honest and say
that I've written a poem every day,
but starting my day at night
means the timing just isn't right.

And waking when the day hasn't changed
leaves me plenty of time to arrange
those thoughts within my head and heart,
until realizing with a start,

That today isn't the day that I thought
and try as hard as I ought,
this nocturnal shift is creating a rift
so I'd better catch up, and swift!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I want it. I need it. I will use it someday.
If it's broke, I don't care. I will fix it one day.

It was gifted. I bought it. I found it today.
I will keep it in a box way out of the way.

So the stockpile grows because I want it to stay.
I have all my stuff, I am so proud to say.

But it grows and it grows and it blocks all my chi.
And my karma grows stale for it wants to be free.

So I purge it and toss it and give it away.
And I learn to let go of the things in my way.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


A poem I forgot to write.
So here it is.
And, now, goodnight!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Spirit, spirit in the night,
please go straight into the light.
When you hear that you are dead,
don't just linger near that bed.
Ghosts aren't meant to stick around
haunting souls here on the ground.
Float on up to meet your friends
for your journey's at its end.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Electricity crackles, surges through
rubber and metal, those portals
for travelling electrons: lightning born
with one swift CRACK!

Created now, leaps from source to skin,
skin to earth, forever searching,
leaving darkness to become chaos
in its wake.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Coughing, coughing, all the time.
Can't stop long to make this rhyme.

Sneezing, sneezing, what to do?
Gotta earn the money but I got the flu.

Sweating, sweating, then the chills.
How am I going to pay these bills?

Fretting, fretting, have to whine.
Whose to blame? Those damn swine!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


You can leave now, Mama,
and close the door.
I'm a big girl, Mama,
my feet touch the floor.
You can leave now, Mama,
and shut it tight.
I've got things to do
and I'm all right.
You can leave now, Mama,
but before you do,
Remember, Mama, I love you.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Writing poetry is hard
with children playing in the yard.
Don't know if I'll have time
to write more than merely rhyme.
For rhyme is easier to do
than expressing through and through
and bringing feelings forth
to contemplate their worth.

Monday, September 21, 2009


There once was a poet who said,
"I really must get to bed."
But no poem I've written,
so here I'll keep sittin'
before I can lay down my head.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


It's twins! It's twins!
They say we're having twins!
I can't believe two eggs released.
Three girls and now The End!

Friday, September 18, 2009


Too sick to write.
Too tired to fight
this thing they call the Flu.


Tiny fingers grasp, find air, then hair.
Little hands hold on tight
those transient things, then phantom things.
Fleeting moments; borrowed time.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Kids are crying
Fingers flying
Trying to get this poem done.

Time is moving
Writing's losing
Challenge on: and kids have won.